Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Have you ever wondered why Mother's Day is celebrated the second Sunday of every May?

In 1910 the first Mother's Day proclamation was issued by the governor of West Virginia. By 1911 every state observed Mother's Day. The Mother's Day International Association was incorporated on December 12, 1912, with the purpose of furthering meaningful observations of Mother's Day.

The modern Mother's Day holiday was created by Anna Jarvis as a day for each family to honor their mother and it's now celebrated on various days in many places around the world.

Miss Jarvis was very close to her mother Mrs. Anna Reese Jarvis. Anna's mother died in May of 1905, when Anna was 41 years of age. Anna was not married and from the time of her mother's death cared for her blind sister, Ellsinore. Anna missed her mother very much and felt that children should appreciate their mother's more while they're still alive. Anna hoped Mother's Day would increase respect and love and strengthen family bonds.

SO...PLEASE APPRECIATE your mother . Leave a love letter for mom or make mom a homemade gift or handmade card !!